San Antonio, TX, August 22, 2018 – With the recent release of the fourth book in the series and two more projects in the works, Camouflaged Sisters has become that go to organization for women Veterans to share their stories. It is through this storytelling that these 70 coauthors and many more Veterans have healed. When Veterans read about others who have had similar experiences and have overcome challenges such as combat related PTSD, depression, or serving in a toxic leadership environment, they are encouraged and find the courage to take steps towards healing themselves.

Because of the impact her books have had on the lives of so many Veterans, Camouflaged Sisters founder and CEO Lila Holley wanted to help even more military authors spread their messages. She has created an event to assist military and Veteran authors do just that. In collaboration with Texas A&M San Antonio and Heroes Media Group, Camouflaged Sisters hosts the Military Authors & Books Expo in San Antonio on November 3 from 11am – 4pm.

“I know firsthand how challenging it is to remain motivated when book sales are low and creative ideas to increase sales don’t always pan out. Our objective is to grow the Military Authors & Books Expo into the largest gathering of military authors and books. We want to connect military authors with a community of support that will help them: grow their audience to increase sales, expand their network to access more opportunities, expose them to other authors to create collaborative opportunities, and spark creativity. Our hope is that military authors leave encouraged, inspired, and motivated to take their book and message to the next level.” Lila Holley, Founder, Camouflaged Sisters

Although the interest has grown among those wanting to learn more about the stories of our nation’s military members, especially among Hollywood, this mission of encouraging Veterans to share their stories goes deeper than that. When Lila transitioned from the military after serving 22 years of Active Duty service in the Army she fell into depression and took to journaling to help her move through that tough period. She noticed that many Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) and even the Veterans

Administration (VA) encouraged and incorporated writing exercises into programs that help Veterans deal with some of the challenges of military service. As a Veteran Lila knows that these stories have helped many military members and veterans healed, but as an indie author she’s aware that many of these stories will go unheard. That’s why this expo is so important to her and the many military and Veteran authors who have courageously poured their hearts onto the pages of their books.

This event is FREE to the public. The expo will consist of featured authors sharing their stories on stage, keynote speakers, a book pitch contest, resources for aspiring authors, a kids’ corner, andnetworking opportunities. We are looking for military and Veteran authors, aspiring authors, sponsors, and avid readers to come out and support these authors, tap into resources, and buy lots of books.

If you would like more information about this event, please contact Lila Holley at 254-307- 9373 or email at


THE LARGEST GATHERING OF MILITARY AUTHORS Military Authors To Come Together to Connect, Grow, and Learn