What happens when you get a group of veterans together? Anything! And that’s exactly what happens in “DISCHARGED,” the new animated comedy which follows four veteran friends as they navigate Hollywood.

This animated show takes the serious topics that affect the veteran community and puts a little comedic twist to it, in a story that can only be told by vets who’ve walked that line themselves.

“DISCHARGED” is making its premiere at the 13thAnnual Hoboken Film Festival in Greenwood Lake, NY on May 20, 2018.  Out of 1500 submissions, “DISCHARGED” was part of the 10% that were selected.  When asked how this came about, US Army Vet and creator, Jas Boothe, answered, “I first got the idea in 2016. I suffer from major depressive disorder and have trouble sleeping, I was up late, watching Adult Swim and noticed the relief I found in humor. I wanted to help others through humor.  Humor and laughter are more therapeutic than any drug I’ve been prescribed.”

If humor was the goal, then “DISCHARGED” gets 5 stars!  “DISCHARGED” shows military branches poking fun at each other’s expense while also showing the bond that is formed, no matter which branch our brothers & sisters served.  Whether you are male or female, Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps, “DISCHARGED” shows how veterans come together as a family.

For more information about the show and to meet the team check out their website at www.dischargedcomedy.com