For Immediate Release: Team Harmon Partners with Veterans 4 Child Rescue

Denver, North Carolina (August 29th, 2018) Big Announcement coming from Team Harmon this week as they officially announce a partnership with Vets 4 Child Rescue (V4CR) a non profit organization founded by one of our nations Heroes Mr. Craig “Sawman” Sawyer.  V4CR was created in April of 2017 to raise awareness of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking and create a non-permissive environment for child exploitation in the United States. (For more information click here)


We asked Craig what this means for him and V4CR, here’s what he had to say…

“NASCAR has a rich history that Americans really appreciate. Even the word NASCAR evokes excitement and thoughts of the kind high-octane racing Americans have grown to love and enthusiastically follow. Beyond that, NASCAR fans are, at their very core, what America stands for. Our organization relies on you, the hardest working, best hearted, salt of the Earth people. 

Having our Veterans For Child Rescue logo placed on a MHR Xfinity and Truck Series with this level of exposure means Americans across the country will see our brand and know we’re serious about gaining their support for our mission. It is our hope that, by raising awareness of child trafficking, that you, the fans and supporters of NASCAR will RISE UP and become part of the solution, which our country so desperately needs right now.  Safeguarding children from predators is something everyone can agree upon and this type of promotion will help us carry out that mission. Everyone at Veterans For Child Rescue is energized at this opportunity and we can’t wait to see the proud V4CR logo on the Mike Harmon Racing #74 NASCAR Xfinity and the NASCAR Camping World Truck Series!” ~ Craig “Sawman” Sawyer President: Vets For Child Rescue ~


(See Craig’s Bio here: (Wikipedia)


Craig also has a new show coming to Netflix with a release date of November 9th2018 called CONTRALAND

Craig, the V4CR organization and the people involved are all HEROES in our eyes. The work they do is not easy and is truly amazing what they stand for.  This is an organization that everyone we feel, should follow, support and get involved! Get Involved NOW


We later caught up with the boss man himself Mr. Mike Harmon to see what he had to say about the new partnership with Craig Sawyer and V4CR.

“Everyone at Mike Harmon Racing is honored to partner with Veterans 4 Child Rescue. We stand with Craig and his incredible team of Veterans, Law Enforcement and many other agencies against child trafficking. The importance to get his organization out there by the resources we have is vital. We as parents and a society must not take this epidemic lightly! We must protect our children at every cost!

We are grateful for V4CR for standing up and taking these predators down. This is way more than a partnership, this is coming together, building forces, and making that change.” ~ Mike Harmon ~ 


The team is only getting better!  When we said this team has it’s heart in the right place, we mean just that!  To Craig Sawyer and everyone at V4CR, we say, welcome aboard and THANK YOU! for the amazing work you do! ~ HMG Staff ~

Be on the look out for the V4CR logo on the #74 Car and Truck!