Care for Trauma Patients Shouldn’t  End at the Physician’s Door – PART I

The Problem:

Patients who have experienced life threatening and traumatic events often suffer from psychological issues such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Anxiety Disorder, and Depression as a result of such an event. Physical healing is challenged exponentially by such psychological disorders making a full recovery difficult.  Additionally, resulting health issues such as weight gain, high blood pressure, lack of sleep, changes in appetite, and other stress related physical issues may compound the original health issues. Often patients are unaware of their psychological challenges and may consider the symptoms from PTSD, Anxiety Disorder, and/or Depression as a less important side effect of the healing process or interpret them as symptoms of the original health issues. Such patients will not seek out the assistance required to achieve a full physiological and psychological recovery. Members of the associated medical staff have very little time to assist such patients and are restricted to dealing with only the physiological issues experienced by the patient. Often the psychological symptoms are thought to be symptoms of the physical health issues. While attempts are made to guide the patient to additional assistance, patients most often do not follow through due to feelings of overwhelm and confusion.

Personal Pathways strives to bridge the gap between the patient’s physical health and mental restoration required for a healing of the whole self. Health and wellness coaching can provide patients with a better understanding of the physiological and psychological issues they may be experiencing; including referrals to dieticians, exercise coaches, and psychological assistance. Coaches can expand a patient’s understanding of required weight loss, healthy diets, and exercise.  Assistance can also be found in setting goals for healthy living, physical healing and psychological well-being. Support from a Health and Wellness coach should be voluntary by the patient and provided as part of their health care after a traumatic event.


For more information contact: Fawn Jardee; Personal Pathways –, 480-221-7203


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