The Arms Room Show – A weekly internet radio show that broadcasts Live from Phoenix, AZ every Monday from 10-11:00 am. This show talks about firearms, training, emergency response, current military operations, survival, self-defense and hunting. Some would think this show just serves the armed community but it’s so much more then that! It serves those with the knowledge, confidence and the ones willing to learn!

Military, law enforcement and civilian firearm owners and carriers are certainly a big part of their audience.  However, soccer moms and perhaps those that have never touched a firearm can get great value from listening.

This show is one that is growing in popularity around the country fast!  The show has something to offer everyone so it can be used into their lives daily.  Learn hunting techniques as the guys share some of their experience hunting in different place across the country.  Or, learn how to be prepared for an emergency in case you need to be the one who responses, from what you should have in your vehicle, home or even your everyday bag.  Hear about different firearms, what they suggest to use for different situations weather it’s for hunting, competition shooting or home defense.

This show has it all so be sure to tune in each week as the guys discuss the concepts of a prepared lifestyle.

Did you miss the last show? Don’t worry, They turn all the shows into podcasts! You can find all their shows here….