In recent years, a concept has emerged that has captivated the attention of some individuals seeking to explore alternative notions of citizenship and sovereignty. This concept revolves around the idea of becoming a “State National,” a status that is often surrounded by both curiosity and controversy. While the mainstream media and government organizations have labeled this movement as “domestic terrorism,” it’s important to dig deeper into the intricacies of what it means to be a State National, its potential benefits, and the reasons behind the skepticism it faces.

Understanding State National Status: A New Perspective on Citizenship

At its core, the concept of becoming a State National challenges the conventional notion of citizenship. Advocates of this movement assert that the United States consists of two distinct entities: the federal government and individual state governments. By aligning themselves with the latter, proponents of State National status believe they can enjoy certain benefits and rights while maintaining a unique legal identity.

Benefits of State National Status: What’s at Stake?

Supporters of State National status emphasize several potential benefits that come with this alternative perspective on citizenship:

  1. Sovereignty: Advocates argue that by aligning themselves with a specific state government, individuals can assert their sovereignty and autonomy from the federal government’s reach.
  2. Legal and Tax Advantages: Some proponents claim that State Nationals can take advantage of legal and tax loopholes, allowing them to minimize their tax obligations and potentially navigate the legal system differently.
  3. Personal Freedom: State Nationals often believe that they can enjoy greater personal freedom and rights by distancing themselves from federal regulations and obligations.
  4. Property Rights: State Nationals may believe they have greater protection of their property rights due to their unique legal status.
  5. Understanding the Definitions: United States and Location

To delve into the heart of this concept, it’s important to examine the definitions provided by relevant legal texts. According to 28 USC – 3002 Definitions, the term “United States” is defined as “a federal corporation.” This unique interpretation forms the foundation for the argument that individuals can choose to align themselves with their specific state’s government, separate from the federal corporation.

Further elaborating on the location aspect, 9-307, a section of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code), addresses the “LOCATION OF DEBTOR.” While this section is often cited by proponents of State National status, it’s essential to approach it with careful consideration, as interpretations can vary.

Controversy and Skepticism: “Domestic Terrorism” Label

While proponents of State National status present their arguments with conviction, it’s worth noting that this concept has not gained mainstream acceptance and is often met with skepticism, if not outright condemnation, by the mainstream media and government organizations. The “domestic terrorism” label stems from concerns about the potential disruption of established legal and administrative systems. Government agencies are responsible for upholding national security, and any movement that challenges their authority might be perceived as a threat.

Conclusion: A Complex Journey of Identity and Allegiance

The idea of becoming a State National is far from straightforward. It involves challenging deeply ingrained notions of citizenship, exploring alternative legal interpretations, and questioning the balance between federal and state authority. While the concept comes with a promise of sovereignty, legal advantages, and personal freedom, it also faces skepticism and controversy.

As with any complex topic, understanding the truth about becoming a State National requires extensive research, critical thinking, and open dialogue. Whether one sees it as a path to empowerment or a misguided endeavor, delving into this movement sheds light on the intricacies of citizenship, the legal system, and the ongoing dialogue between individual rights and collective governance.

Don’t take my word for it, look this stuff up.

There is a podcast that covered this topic this past June 2023, called “The Decision Hour” take a listen to it as guest Brandon Joe Williams, a State National of California, author and Common Law lawyer, discusses “slave state” framework that is created by webs of legal contracts and documents like birth certificates, social security cards, and the US citizen fraud system.

Listen here:
