The Heroes Mastermind Group contains the resources and structure necessary for taking your personal and professional life to the next level!

Weekly Video Conference

Open, honest and respectful discussions each week with your group of peers and the facilitators.


Partnership with fellow group members for continued progress and success.

Monthly Reading

Cover one new self development book per month where we discuss key concepts pertitent to your life.

Guest Speaker

Honor of listening to and interacting directly with a leader in the self development space each month.

“Isolation is the enemy to excellence!” – Aaron Walker, CEO/Founder View from the Top

How do I add value to and receive value from the Heroes Mastermind Group?

Power Seat

Each week two members are designated to each discuss with their group a topic that is of importance to them in relation to their personal or professional life to get counsel and receive empowerment from the rest of the group.

Heroes Facebook Group

All members of the Heroes Mastermind Group will have access to not only the peers in their weekly call but ALL members of the group to network for growth.

Email Communication

Ongoing access to all members of the Heroes Mastermind Group, to include the facilitators, via email.

Investment and Commitment

Space for the Heroes Mastermind Group is limited!  

We request a 6 month commitment (invested in monthly) so that you and your fellow group members can add value to each others personal and professional lives!  

Monthly Investment is $250/month for Inaugural Members Only! ($300/month after initial launch on 4/1/18)


To learn more, meet the Facilitator or to sign up now CLICK HERE