Join Award Winning Author Lila Holley as she interviews the Co-Authors go the new book ‘Behind the Rank’.  Here is a snippet from the Your Story Your Strength Series.

“With each Camouflaged Sisters book project we’ve experienced the healing power of putting pen to paper and better understand the incredible power our words have. In this series, we interview coauthors from the next Camouflaged Sisters book, Behind the Rank and learn how they’ve been able to regain personal strength by sharing their individual stories.”  ~Lila Holley~

Lila:  And, so, I’m so excited to be able to bring these amazing ladies before you.  I am talking with Csilla Toth and Tawanda Harris.  They are coauthors in the next Camouflaged Sisters book project, “Behind the Rank.”

So, ladies, I always try to wrap up with some words of wisdom from our guests on the show.  And, so, what words of wisdom would you leave with our listeners, Csilla?

Csilla Toth:  Well, my words of wisdom is walk with God.  When you walk with God, you’re full of his quality.  I want everybody to know that you are awesome, as I told you before.  I encourage you to have strong self esteem.

          I want to encourage people – when – when circumstances, or even people around you, trying to push you down, remember, it doesn’t matter.  They will go away from your life.  You’re going to move away, the circumstances going to change, but you’re going to stay stronger if you know who you are in Christ, and you know you are wonderful.

Lila:  That’s some good – that some good words of wisdom, Csilla.

Tawanda Harris:  Yeah, that is.

Lila:  Thank you.  All right, Tawanda, what you got for the listeners?

Tawanda Harris:  I will say, you know, I honestly can’t top that, because if you keep God first, everything else will follow.  And just because you love the Lord and he is your Lord and savior doesn’t mean you’re not going to go through hardship.  If you look at his life, he went through lots of hardship, you know, on our behalf, for every one of us.

          And, um, there’s a scripture in the Bible that I do like to, um, think of any time I start feeling sorry for myself in regards to my injury or any type of suffering.  And it’s 2nd Corinthians, chapter 1, verse 3, and it just says, you know, all praise to God, the Father of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort.  He comforts us in all of our troubles so that we can comfort others, you know.  And when they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort that God has given us.

          And, so, a lot of times, when we go through these experiences, um, just so we can help and encourage other people.  And what better glory is there to give God than when you’re going through the worst time of your life than to just thank Him anyway?  And to praise Him anyway, even though it doesn’t feel good.  He still exists.  You know, just praise Him anyway, and you will see – mark my words, you will see that some joy will just start stirring up in your spirit.  And that – and that – that bad mood, that – that – that frown that you have on your face or that pit that you have in your gut, that pain in your heart, um, you’ll start to feel the assurance of God when you call on Him.


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