Host Your Own Podcasts

Not only will you target very specific market segments when you partner with Heroes Media Group, you are also able to boost your own content marketing efforts. Cross-promotion is a win-win when you join our network!

Podcasts Help You Grow Your Business or Blog

Really? How?? Glad you asked.  By posting content that is useful, entertaining and/or highly specialized, you will begin to see your SEO results climb and people in your target market will tell their friends. An awesome podcast generates some of the BEST word of mouth advertising out there. Entrepreneur Magazine even published a whole article about it. By hosting a popular podcast, you are able to repeat your business name, show your expertise and leave them looking forward to the next one. The power of being in a network like ours, is you are cross-promoted across social media platforms.

Your Web Traffic Skyrockets

It’s a fairly common occurrence for website traffic to increase by 30 to 60% depending on the podcaster. We’ll help you get your own page, your own URL and branding, and even your marketing message that you can repeat over and over again so you stay top-of-mind in your industry.

Feature Others To Demonstrate Your Depth, Breath and Personality

A radio show format is a great way to feature others and at the same time showcase your conversational, interactive skills and knowledge. Coordinating interviews with key people will open even more doors to other opportunities — and it gives your listening audience more variety in the content you are offering them.

A Well Branded and Marketed Show Makes You Stand Out

Heroes Media Group will help you elevate your show presentation by developing a branded show image, a professionally produced open and close, and a consistent format and delivery.  You will stand above 95% of shows out there by doing the extra work to give yourself a professional edge – and we help! Being part of our network gets you access to an entire team of trusted PR and marketing professionals who can help you get started or beef up what you may have already started.

Benefits of the HMG Network

  • Cross Marketing
  • Niche Specific Marketing
  • Brand Awareness
  • Access to Partnerships
  • Access to Influencers and Thought Leaders in the Network
  • Event Branding and Marketing
  • Discounted Marketing Services for Your Business

Join Our Network