Gotahold Brewing has adopted the Pledge 1% model and throughout 2023 will donate 1% of all profits from three designated taps to four selected local nonprofit organizations.

Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Jan. 2023—Committed to making a positive impact, Gotahold Brewing has further invested in the local community, pledging to donate 1% of all money earned from the sales of the lagers served on tap #1 in their taproom the HMG Foundation.

Gotahold Brewery transitioned away in January 2023 from #tipsfortransformation Thursdays to Pledge 1%, a charitable giving model that has already empowered thousands of businesses around the world to engage in philanthropy. Gotahold owners Dave Hartmann and Wendy Reese Hartmann made this change to relieve pressure on nonprofit teams to put extra time and energy into driving people to tip-generating events. The new model allows Gotahold to donate every single time a draft is poured from a specific “branded” tap. The HMG Foundation, a newly formed national nonprofit organization helping veterans get medical assistance, seeks to honor community heroes by providing them essential support. Proceeds generated tap #1 will go directly towards services and resources for veterans of the local community in memory of Major Steve Judge. For two and a half years, Gotahold Brewing has been crafting exceptional beer, making meaningful contributions to the community, and creating memorable experiences for beer and non-beer fans alike. Gotahold Brewing is a 2021 Best of Northwest Arkansas winner and the 2022 top craft brewery in Arkansas according to Yelp reviews. Owner Dave Hartmann is an award-winning Master Brewer with 30 years of experience. For more information, please visit