What if #Q, #QAnon and #TheGreatAwakening are Real?

By this point you may have heard Q mentioned online, whether in conservative circles or somewhere in your social media feed.  You likely didn’t pay too much attention to it, as many of us have known for a long time that nefarious, shady and corrupt elements exist within our government.  

If you’ve looked into anything regarding The Clinton Foundation you probably made a reasonable guess that she had been likely selling her presidency since her time at the State Department, but perhaps you didn’t go much further down the rabbit hole to see exactly who she was selling favors to, nor what those favors were.  

And though it was rather quiet when Q first began posting, as of late there has been a full-court press by the Mainstream Media [MSM] to establish him (them) as a conspiracy theory as the #TheGreatAwakening grows from a small underground group on obscure websites to a full-blown movement.  


*Edit: as of  8/1/18 there were 50,000 subscribers to The Great Awakening board on Reddit.  While the media did their best to portray this in as many inaccurate ways as possible (alt-right, small cult, violent, etc) this truly has grown into a movement.  If you read the actual posts, you will find that not only are the people not who the MSM told you they were (they are in fact your neighbors, family members and co-workers), but they are absolutely not promoting any form of violence (which will get you immediately banned from the Reddit board).  And the numbers are growing by the minute.


But some strange coincidences have been occuring in our lives here at Heroes Media Group lately, and as someone who’s seen too much of the world to believe in coincidences I decided to dig deeper into what was going on.

First, there was the interview with General Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency on Straight Outta Combat Radio here on Heroes Media Group.  We received a lot of both positive and negative engagement from that, and it was a bit puzzling for me.  As the Chief Marketing Officer for HMG I pay a lot of attention to high levels of engagement to our website and our social media channels, and let’s just say there were some interesting data points that came from it.

Shortly after that, our CEO went to a small conference regarding cyber terrorism and some very bad things that people are using the internet to do.  For a long time those bad actors were able to hide their actions through various proxies, and as he learned at the conference it seems some of those bad actors may have had help from a few major tech companies to hide their actions.

Adam was approached by some interesting individuals at the conference with a few potential opportunities to promote the great things our military intelligence units are currently doing to combat bad actors, and when he and I discussed our moving forward on these opportunities I began to do a little research.  

As I dug into what’s been going on I found QAnon.Pub , a site that lists every single “data dump” that Q has posted since October 28th of last year (2017) along with “answers” from the Anons (anonymous users on 4Chan and 8Chan) who have been helping research his cryptic riddles and provide cross-referenced answers, links to news stories, YouTube videos and other data points to verify the conclusions and provide “proofs.”


[Edit: Qanon.pub seems to have been taken down 8/8/18.  Another good one to use is Qmap.pub]

[Note: You may want to start with the YouTube video by @Praying Medic  , QAnon for Beginners which explains much more than I can in the confines of this article.]


If you’re an especially cynical person such as myself, you will likely demand proof that these claims are true and not just an extremely intricate and well-planned LARP [Live Action Role Playing, the online version of catfishing or a hoax].  Thankfully there are thousands of researchers and “Anons” [Anonymous users on 4chan, 8chan, Reddit, Twitter and others] who have taken to researching every single line, question and proposal from Q to ensure validity and connect the dots.

And as Q has asked us, “at what point does it become mathematically impossible to be a coincidence?”  I beg you to look for yourself and decide. As with many things in life, taken in isolation many of his “proofs” could be written off as coincidence.  But when you take a macro view and look at the totality of his predictions and proofs, we are way beyond that mathematical “point of no return” already.  

And it seems as if he’s just getting warmed up.

If you don’t have the time to research yourself, or even read through the answers provided on Qmap.pub , check out this “Q Proofs” video by Praying Medic on YouTube (the same person as listed above).  Of all the soldiers enlisted in the QAnon fight, Praying Medic seems to be the easiest to understand and best at breaking it down & connecting the dots in an easy to understand format for we “normies” [people who aren’t tech savvy enough to spend much time on 4chan or 8chan or who haven’t taken the red pill yet].

However, if you consider yourself a logic ninja, able to solve puzzles & crack codes with the best of them, Serial Brain 2 on Reddit is just genius enough to make your head hurt.  But in a good way.

Having only seen tidbits of what Q had put out previously via my Twitter and Facebook feeds, finding Qmap.pub was an avalanche of information.  I had always been skeptical, but in legal terms we could refer to these dumps, when read in chronological order along with cross-referencing and answers, as a “preponderance of evidence.”  I was blown away.

I’m the type of person who wakes up every morning and reads the Wall Street Journal to begin my normal morning routine, adding bits and pieces from other news sources throughout the day to ensure I’m not getting all of my news from one place.  And I began to see pieces of a puzzle emerge as I read further into the Qmap.pub website.


Who is Q?

While Q has taken great care to remain anonymous, he (or possibly they) has given enough clues for us to surmise that he is either a member of the Military Intelligence community or NSA.  Whichever is his true posting, he has made it painfully clear that he is somehow extremely closely connected to President Trump.

He has proven this through multiple methods: posting pictures from Air Force One or of The President before they’re made public, giving specific details about things President Trump will say or do (sometimes months before they are made public), posting pictures of executive orders before they are made public and even working specific phrases requested by the Anons into some of President Trump’s speeches and Twitter posts for verification.

One of the most amusing is a Twitter picture posted celebrating the electoral college victory on Air Force 1 with President Trump and several staff members.  I’ve seen this picture deconstructed in several ways, with one Anon discovering that if you connected the thumbs of each of the people in the picture, it forms a Q.

But digging a little deeper, if you inspect the data file of the picture itself another coded message is hidden in the file name, which includes “Do it Q.”  Twitter is supposed to assign a random filename to each media file uploaded, and I’ll leave it to you to construct the statistical chances that a filename uploaded by President Trump has “Do it Q” in it.

But those are far from the only “proofs” that Q has given us.  As I’m finishing this article, it’s just become mainstream information that Huber was appointed by Sessions to convene a grand jury outside of DC to work on prosecuting “The Swamp.”  But those of us who have been paying attention to Q have known about that for quite some time.

The recent news that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter lost nearly 20% each on share price was also foretold many months ago by Q, as many of his hints indicate these two and their companies are entirely complicit in the alleged masterpiece of deceit which Q has shone a light on for us.


What is Q Telling US?

So that’s the “who” in Q, but what is he telling us?  Ultimately, he is breaking down the cast of characters, methods, locations and missions which make up the leadership of what has been named “The Deep State.”  

He’s not the first to call out some of these characters, and many a conspiracy theory has emerged that names some of the most notable on his target list: George Soros, Saudi Prince Al-waleed bin Talal, Evelyn de Rothschild, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, Barack Obama, James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and many others.

But what is he telling us they’ve been up to?  There are far too many plots and missions listed in his drops to cover everything in one article, so I’ve done the best I can to capture the “40,000 foot view” with a few of the most notable examples below.  

In the macro sense, it all leads to the same basic premise: the Deep state has existed in our nation for a very long time, comprised of the Senior Executive Service (SES), corrupt politicians, rogue intelligence agents and foreign powers attempting to either usurp power from the US or brainwash our populace to do their bidding.

Q tells us this has gone relatively unchecked for decades, with many of these plots culminating in a string of Manchurian Candidates running for (and several winning) the office of the President of the United States.

Connecting the dots with the drops from Q, it does not seem that Barack Obama was the first (he’s not a fan of George W. Bush or John McCain either), but these bad actors were so assured that Hillary Clinton would win the rigged election that they got sloppy and didn’t take enough countermeasures to cover their tracks well.  

Why would they do that?  “She wasn’t supposed to lose” is a frequent comment in Q’s riddles, indicating they expected so fully that she would win that they didn’t believe any of this would ever come to light as those most complicit were elevated to higher positions of authority and the size of the Deep State grew deeper and stretched further across the globe.

It does seem that the rising divisiveness in our nation was planned, and there was to be a culmination of many plots coming together under the Hillary Clinton presidency.  If you’ve noticed the extreme rise of racial division, social justice warriors, corruption and slanted media stories, Q tells us that none of that is a coincidence; it was all planned and has been in the works for a very long time.

Some may have trouble understanding why any group of people would come together for such a nefarious plot, but you have to take a truly open look at who the cast of characters named in the Q drops are: people who owe allegiance to no nation and are megalomaniacs, more concerned with power and money than morals.

If you’ve ever wondered why George Soros has been a central figure in so many conspiracy theories, a large part of it has to do with his character and what he’s done in the past (proven conspiracy facts, not conspiracy theories).  

While there is a vivid debate about the claims that he was a Nazi sympathizer when his home in Hungary was occupied as a child, there is no question about his role in attempting to “break” the Bank of England and destroy the British currency for his own profit.  He, like some other successful investors, is very keen at making money from chaos — which may be a key as to why he is linked to many of the social unrest movements in this nation.


Why Now?

So why now?  If this Deep State plot has been in the works for so long, why has Q waited until now to surface and alert the public and patriots to their evil plot to destroy the nation?

As Q tells us, the recent rise in technology (both for personal use and intelligence gathering) has led to the ability to track many of these nefarious individuals and collect enough evidence of their plots and crimes to finally put an end to it.  

But despite the preponderance of evidence, there was still another piece of the puzzle needed to enact justice upon those who would harm our nation for their own profit: we needed someone who could take on the the Deep State and put an end to their plans.

An important Q drop that tells us why this is happening now came in the form of a simple rhetorical question: “was Trump asked to run for President?”

Trump has been speaking about political topics and the need for America to have a strong leader who puts her best interests first for decades.  He has had close ties to and been a strong, vocal supporter of the military for a very long time, and when the 2016 campaign planning began it seems some of the patriots who saw what was happening to our nation decided he would be the man to right the wrongs that have corrupted our nation’s leaders.


Kabuki Theatre and Podesta Misdirection

One aspect of Q’s drops that even some of his most fervent supporters have a hard time taking on faith is his constant reminder that everything we are currently seeing is Kabuki Theatre: the congressional hearings, meetings abroad with former enemies (of which Q tells us that all negotiations were finalized before the first public meeting), public fighting between Trump and his cabinet (especially Sessions) and other parts of the “movie” as Q calls it, are merely for show.

Again, taken in isolation many of these ideas don’t seem to hold much water.  But once you’ve seen the entirety of what Q has been putting out, it all begins to fall into place and make sense.

One of the key strategies outlined by Sun Tzu in “The Art of War” is to ensure that you have won a battle before you begin.  This is highlighted time and again by Q, who tells us that President Trump and his team already have everything they need to win this war, but that things need to occur in stages not only to follow the letter of the law, but also to slowly warm the American public to the level of conspiracy and evil deeds that have been visited upon us.

But why go to such lengths?  Partly, he tells us, because the American public could neither comprehend nor mentally accept the dark reality of who has taken over our nation, how long they’ve had dark minions in place and just how nefarious their actions are.

The Podesta Emails and Russia Hoax are one of the clearest images of Kabuki Theatre we’ve seen so far, and the one that makes me the most upset.  You have to give it to the DNC…even if Trump is the ultimate 4D chess master as Q would have you believe, the DNC are the ninjas of misdirection and reframing of issues.


Here’s the key point that everyone seems to have forgotten:  nobody from the DNC, not Podesta, Hillary or any others have said that the emails were fraudulent.  They have successfully redirected all of our attention to Russia and the hoax that Russia hacked their emails (and somehow the election), but they’ve never come out to say the emails were not authentic.


Why does that matter?  In case the Russia hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth has made you forget, the Podesta emails were full of code words that even the FBI admits are used by pedophiles and human traffickers.

The DNC emails clearly show that the Democratic party not only has significant disdain for the very people they pander to every 4 years for votes, but that they rigged the primaries to knock Bernie Sanders off the ticket and let Hillary through.

Forgot about that, didn’t you?  Don’t feel bad…again, they’re the ninjas of reframing and misdirection.

But Q hasn’t let us forget.

And lest you forget due to the complete blackout from the MSM, not only have the people who delivered and posted the leaked emails (Julian Assange and KimDotCom) stated emphatically that they did not come from Russian sources, so have a team of former NSA and CIA tech analysts named the VIP’s who showed through various forms of technical analysis that it absolutely must have come from an internal leak…someone who could have taken the data via a flash drive rather than remote hack (see: Seth Rich).


The Patriots

If Q is correct, Admiral Rogers (former head of the NSA), General Flynn (former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency), Jeff Sessions and many others have been writing a symphony of destruction for the The Swamp & Deep State since long before Trump announced his candidacy.

Admiral Rogers was the first person it seems who became privy to the knowledge that something fishy was going on specifically with the FBI.  In 2015 an auditor with the NSA noticed irregularities with the surveillance being conducted by the FBI, which was meant to target foreigners in the US but also, by proximity, collected intelligence on American citizens.  

At Rogers direction the NSA began a full audit of the irregularities and found that the FBI had been collecting information on candidate Trump and sharing that information with private contractors (allegedly from the Democratic National Committee and Fusion GPS).  

Admiral Rogers went to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court [FISC] to alert them to these irregularities (and that they had been lied to in the FBI’s surveillance requests), and although the court issued a 99 page opinion titled “The Improper Disclosure of Raw Intelligence about Americans to Unauthorized Individuals” in April of 2017 the MSM didn’t even pick that story up and have buried it far away from their current narrative.

The paper was highly redacted before being released to the public, and as it is quite long I’ll give you a little help: if you want to get to the good stuff, skip to page 83, section D titled “Issues Arising Under the FBI Minimization Procedures.”

While the version we can see is highly redacted, the version that Congressman Devin Nunes has in his possession is not; he has seen the names, and if you’ve ever questioned why he has so much fire and fervor in his attacks against the Deep State, FBI and DOJ you needn’t look any further…the focus of his attacks can give you a pretty good idea of how to fill in the blanks when looking at the redacted version.

If you don’t want to toil through the entire 99 page document as I did researching this article, you can watch this 30 minute interview with former federal prosecutor Joe diGenova who breaks down the entire timeline of events and significance of the court’s opinion.

Are you wondering why you’ve never heard about this paper from the mainstream media, even after the opinion was released as unclassified by the court and is now a public document?  


Welcome to the game.


Admiral Rogers understood that if candidate Trump had been improperly spied upon by the FBI, who had in turn been allowing civilian contractors (allegedly from his opposition party) access to the data there must have been some form of a plot to use any intel collected.  

Rogers made an unofficial visit to Trump in November of 2016 (shortly after the election) to brief and alert him to these actions by the FBI, DNC and Fusion GPS.  It was the very next day that Trump moved his entire staff out of Trump tower (which Rogers had informed him was bugged) to Bedminster, New Jersey where the transition team stayed until Trump tower was de-bugged.

The point needs to be made that when Trump made the announcement this was going on he was openly mocked by the media, rebuked by Obama himself and became the butt of many a joke in DC and on left-leaning talk shows.  Keep reading to understand why this tactic is so integral to the left & the Deep State with their constant need to retort, reframe and redirect the truth.


Moves and Countermoves

When James Clapper (DNI) and John Brennan (CIA) discovered that Rogers had reported their activities to now President-Elect Trump, they immediately went to Obama and asked that Rogers be fired.  

It should also be noted that Brennan and Clapper have been some of the most vocal opponents of Trump, and it was Brennan who first brought up the idea of Russian collusion (now proven to be completely false) after receiving questionable intelligence from an eastern-bloc country (so he says — we haven’t actually been given that intelligence), which led to the wiretapping of Trump tower and creation of the now infamous Steele dossier (which has been shown to have been funded by the DNC and comprised of zero corroborating evidence).

Understanding the firestorm that would erupt if Obama fired Rogers for being a whistleblower during his last days in office, Obama refrained from taking any action and the DNC instead conspired with the MSM to re-frame the issue and begin an all-out attack on Trump and his supporters.

But while the MSM and Deep State were beginning to formulate a plan to attack Trump and hide their own nefarious actions, Trump and his team began enacting the blueprint they had already created to take down the Deep State.

Between Trump’s contacts, experience & associations in elite circles of wealth and power, understanding of messaging and entertainment to keep an audience’s attention and Rogers & Flynn’s knowledge of “where the bodies are buried” they brought a team together to begin to bring our nation back to its’ true intention and path: to Make America Great Again.

And again, because the team had collected all of the evidence they needed through the DIA, Military Intelligence and NSA, Q tells us that most of everything you are seeing right now is nothing more than Kabuki Theatre, meant to prepare the public for what is going to happen.  

In a strategy that seems to have come directly from Machiavelli and Sun Tzu, the team has been brilliant in feigning weakness before an attack, misdirecting their opponents from their true intentions and keeping their cards very close to their chests as Sessions has quietly amassed nearly 40,000 sealed indictments, arrested multiple human and sex trafficking rings totaling nearly 3,000 arrests and “cutting the strings” of funding for many of the corrupt politicians who have put America up for sale.

But enough of the who, when and why.  What exactly has Q been spilling the beans about?  I’ve captured all that I can in the article below, and I ask that you please research this on your own in order to get the full picture.  I’ve included as many of the high-level concepts as possible, but there are so many micro-pictures and plots that it would take a novel to capture them all.

Yet even if only one of the plots outlined below were true and the rest were purely disinformation, it would still be enough to try the conspirators for treason.  


Why Has President Trump Surrounded Himself & His Cabinet with Marine Generals?

Due to the intelligence at his disposal and evidence of just how large the Deep State had grown, Trump knew that he had to be very careful about who he could trust.  Given that powerful members of the Deep State were present in the FBI and CIA (who he already had evidence were spying on him), congress and the senate, President-Elect Trump knew that he had to surround himself with patriots and people whom he could trust.

An important factor in his strategy is understanding the hierarchy of various aspects of the intelligence world.  The CIA (which Trump knew had rogue agents) and FBI both answer to Congress as their “boss,” but there is a key alternate title for the President of the United States which shows exactly who owes him 100% allegiance: Commander-in-Chief.

While a corrupt congress has oversight over the military, their true boss lies in one person: The President.  Knowing that he could maintain complete oversight and leadership over the military, Trump staffed his cabinet with Generals and former Generals whom he knew he could trust.

In terms of intelligence, thanks to a change in post-9/11 missions Trump still had an array of powerful intelligence assets under his control.  The military intelligence network, in both MI units, the Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA — formerly led by Flynn] and National Security Agency [NSA, which falls under the Department of Defense] were all assets that he could directly control, lead and trust.  

One major benefit of using Military Intelligence over their counterparts also lies in the punishment for leaks: a military member leaking intelligence to a journalist will carry a much more serious offense than their counterparts would, and as we have seen from the FBI and their connections to many of the media leaks the MI units were the only ones he could trust.  

Have a look at the June 16 drop from Q (drop 1516) to get not only a picture of the hierarchy of “leaked” reporting, but also a full list of journalists reported by Wikileaks as having colluded with the DNC and Hillary campaign in the 2016 election cycle.

Furthermore, the Commander-in-Chief has executive authority over the Marine Corps, which he can task for special duties under certain circumstances.  This lead to his preference for Marine Generals and even replacing some of this Secret Service agents with Marines until he knew who he could trust within that organization.


The Plant (Manafort) and Who Really Ran the Trump Election Campaign

The only public charges to come from Mueller’s investigation thus far are laughable: General Flynn for lying to the FBI (about actions that were completely legal and have been recognized to not actually have been lies) and Paul Manafort for actions that he took long before becoming a member of the Trump campaign.

So firstly, why would General Flynn plead guilty to a crime that wasn’t actually a crime, and charges for which he has been proven innocent of?  This seems to be a bit of a conundrum, but Q has made drops which shed light on this issue: it’s all part of the plan, and was the only way in which they could get Flynn’s testimony about bad actors in the Deep State on the record without alerting their enemies that moves were being made against them.  

Remember, as head of the DIA and a member of the Obama administration Flynn had been privy to everything from Benghazi to the OIF/OEF wars and any other intelligence the MI complex got their hands on.  As has been said many times by the Anons, Flynn knows where the bodies are buried.

The most interesting Q drop, however, is that Manafort was a plant intended to take heat off the true campaign manager and to let the Deep State believe they had or would get some dirt on Trump.  

As Sun Tzu said, “feign weakness and draw your enemy to attack.”  If you think back to the campaign, the constant drumbeat was that Trump’s campaign was always on the ropes, just one more resignation away from utter collapse.


But if you believe Q and the research dug up by the Anons, that was all part of the plan.


By having a constant changing of the guard in terms of campaign managers, the Trump team effectively did two things: first, they allowed their enemies to get lazy and overconfident, believing, (as the MSM did) that there was no way he could possibly win with a campaign that was in so much chaos.  

But the most brilliant success of the plan?  The constant focus on the changing campaign managers allowed the true campaign manager (Jared Kushner) to do his work without interruption.

And by having such an allegedly sleazy manager as Manafort, well known in DC for a lack of morals, Trump knew that all of the focus and many of his enemies efforts would focus solely on Manafort…who has stated in interviews that he didn’t do much for the actual campaign.

Bring a new campaign manager on board but sterilize and compartmentalize him as he collects heat like a scandal magnet?  Sounds like a brilliant move that both The Prince (Machiavelli) and The General (Sun Tzu) would be proud of.


Saudi Arabia and America for Sale

Do you remember the recent shift in power in Saudi Arabia, bringing the news that many high-level members of their government had been locked in a hotel for interrogation with many finding themselves later  in jail? I read about it when it happened, heard a few reports on NPR, noted that it was strange and let it fall out of my focus as it dropped almost entirely from the mainstream media talking points.

But if you believe the Q data dumps there is a lot more to that story than our media and its reporting on the incident would have you believe, and the rabbit hole goes very deep.  Quite contrary to the media narratives of this story, the Q data dumps have cross-referenced links to the specifics to show you the “5 W’s: who, what, why, where and when.”

Let’s dig into that first point; why would the media be inclined to either skew that as an event unrelated to interests here in the United States, or let it drop off our radar entirely?  


Follow the money.


There is one particular individual, Prince Al-waleed bin Talal who was rounded up and held under armed guard at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh back in January, along with 10 other princes and hundreds of Saudi businessmen.  The charges: corruption.

Another important point to make before we get into the specifics: it was reported that Jared Kushner made an unannounced visit to Saudi Arabia just days before the corruption probe locked their targets up in the Ritz Carlton.  Q tells us this was not a coincidence: he reports that Kushner required a face-to-face meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to inform him of those corrupt individuals who were plotting to usurp his power.  

Now you have to ask yourself: just how corrupt do you have to be in order to be charged with corruption in a kingdom which is probably known more for its massive corruption than the oil that the money comes from?  What sinister act could the Prince Al-waleed have done to require the $1 billion bail that was set for his release?

More importantly, what type of corruption was he involved in?  There haven’t been many talking points in the US media discussing the specifics, but the Q dumps have provided quite a few, including links to his massive donations to The Clinton Foundation, Nancy Pelosi and her foundation, Maxine Waters and her foundation, John McCain’s foundation and many others (McCain is considered so traitorous by Q that he is simply referred to as “we don’t say his name,” and along with the prince you will see donations from the Soros “Open Society Foundation” to McCain listed via the link above).

The last one begs an important question: why would a Saudi billionaire be donating many tens of millions of dollars to the foundations of specific, powerful US politicians?  Unlike a campaign contribution these don’t have to go directly to the campaign and the amount isn’t regulated like regular campaign contributions. What do these foundations do that would have such a warm spot in this man’s heart?  

And is it a coincidence that those Democrat politicians (and “we don’t say his name”) who took bribes…I mean “donations”… from the prince are the ones yelling the loudest and most vicious anti-Trump rhetoric?  Q tells us there are no coincidences in this game of 4D chess.

Q put his Anons on the trail of these politicians by asking one simple question, which you will never see answered by them and will be re-directed any time it’s asked: how does a civil servant, on a civil servant’s salary, become a multi-deca-millionaire while serving in office?  

He specifically lists the multiple multi-million dollar homes owned by each of these politicians (especially Maxine Waters, who doesn’t even live in her own district), and simply asks us to reconcile how in the world their net worths became so high on a civil servant’s salary.

Have you ever wondered why, under the guise of “religious freedom” over the past few years an American high school will fire a coach for praying with his players before a game, yet show Islamic indoctrination videos to its students?  It seems as if Q is giving us the answer.

What else would the prince be involved in regarding crooked politicians and ensuring that the narrative they wanted to push was the only one propagated in the minds of the US populace?  

As it turns out, the prince owned 34.9 million shares of Twitter along with a bevy of other media and social media companies.  His portfolio for Kingdom Holdings also included a large ownership of satellite tv networks, Newscorp, Citigroup and a large number of other tech companies here in the US.

By virtually owning our media, social media and politicians through stocks and “donations” to foundations, this man has found the most vile way to spread his faith imaginable: by infiltrating a nation through its most corrupt politicians.

As it turns out another name very popular in conspiracy theories pops up as a large owner of several social media companies in George Soros.  So why did George (GS) sell his holdings in US tech & social media companies (Twitter, Facebook, Apple & SNAP) after the election?

How does Twitter play into this story?  


Twitter, Facebook and Google

Have you wondered why the social media giants have taken such a strong stance on demonetizing the videos from conservative speakers (and even Joe Rogan, who would be a far cry to label as conservative), even taking to labeling them as hate speech for merely portraying conservative values or questioning liberal and social justice warrior rhetoric?

Why do threads in “The Great Awakening” board on Reddit frequently have fewer upvotes than comments?  Why do the YouTube videos from Praying Medic and other Q researchers have many fewer likes than subscribers, with those subscribers frequently being un-subscribed without knowing or not having said videos show up in their dashboards?  And of course we all know about the infamous shadowbanning from Twitter of conservative users to reduce the reach of their tweets.

As Q has frequently asked us to ponder: “all for a LARP?”

If you follow the Q drops, this is not something they came up with on their own.  Q has even gone so far as to say that the people who we have been told created Facebook & Twitter (Zuckerberg & Dorsey) aren’t the people who actually created the technology, but rather that it’s nothing more than a tool for nefarious characters to spy on us.

Let’s start with Twitter.  While many in the media and on the left have lambasted The President to no end for his use of Twitter, those of us who follow Q understand exactly why he does it.  President Trump has taken great pains to show us that most of the major networks (especially CNN) are “fake news,” and as Q tells us this is all on purpose.

Have you noticed how many retractions CNN and Time magazine (both owned by the same person, with large investment holdings from the Saudi prince mentioned above) have had to make for publishing incorrect, staged or outright fake stories since The President was elected (see: kids in cages)?  

Knowing that the MSM will skew and spin anything he says, The President and his team have opted to use Twitter as his voice directly to the people, allowing him to send clear messages to the public without the media having a chance to spin it first.

His use of Twitter also gives him a chance to send codes to those of us in The Great Awakening.

The “covfefe” tweet was the first I heard of The President sending cryptic messages, and the following statement by Sean Spicer (as published in the Reuters article linked above) should have let us know that he was up to something:


“I think the president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant,” Spicer added when asked why the Tweet remained uncorrected for so long on Trump’s personal @realDonaldTrump account.


But most of us didn’t take too much notice, as after the left triggered and ran out of steam the media moved on to another outrage du jour and it fell from the headlines.  But Q has shown us that almost any time The President misspells a tweet or sends a cryptic message that most don’t understand, there is an underlying meaning…usually explained to those of us following Q days, weeks or even months in advance.

Do you remember the story of the Secret Service telling The President that he had to stop using Twitter for fear of security concerns?  Did you ever stop to think about why a tweet could be such a threat to The President?

It’s not the nature of the tweets, but what Twitter really does behind the scenes: highly targeted geo-tracking, with an ability for Twitter (and the CIA, as Q would tell you) to know exactly where you are at any time.  Why would Twitter need that ability to simply post 140 quirky characters?

Q has even taken to posting alleged snippets of alleged conversations between Pelosi and Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter), with Pelosi informing him of the various agencies taking interest in his technology and the protection she can provide him.  

And then there are the secret accounts Q tells us the members of the Obama administration had on Twitter, provided by @Jack (Dorsey) to allow them to communicate in private…but, as Q alludes, thanks to the NSA [No Such Agency in Q speak] nothing is truly private, nor is anything ever truly deleted.


Which brings us to Google.  


Not only has Google been the spearhead of the social justice warrior movement, firing one of their engineers for merely writing a memo questioning some of the companies anti-conservative practices, but as Q tells it they have been up to some rather nefarious practices and are complicit in many of the Hillary Clinton scandals.

Q states that although the Clinton email scandal made headlines, not much has been said about Google allowing members of the Obama administration to communicate in what they thought were secret communications (by logging on to a single Gmail account and writing/reading “drafts” rather than sending anything to try and stay off the NSA radar — which Q tells us did not keep them off the radar at all).

Q routinely tells us that the “No Such Agency” [NSA] hears all, sees all and has all.  He further explores the history of Edward Snowden, showing that Snowden actually worked for the CIA before going to the NSA via Booz Allen and that the purpose of his “leaks” was not to expose what the NSA was doing, but to fire a salvo in the “behind the scenes” intelligence war that has been raging between our intelligence agencies.  I’d love to go down this thread with you here, but unfortunately there just isn’t enough time…please check out Qmap.pub to catch up on this thread, as it’s extremely interesting.

One of the common themes and requests from Q is to track the resignation of CEO’s, politicians and others who have voiced their desire not to seek re-election.  Q attributes this to the understanding that the Deep State conspiracy goes so deep that if everyone were thrown in jail for their actions it would harm the nation and our view of her institutions irreparably.  

As Q frequently tells us, 80% of the “draining of the swamp” is being done in private, with only 20% slated to be made public in order to retain a semblance of order and not taint the entirety of our political machine.

If you aren’t tracking the resignations of politicians and CEO’s since the election, here’s a good list from one Anon who is and has put everything into an easy to view Tableau dashboard.  You’ll notice that several high-profile execs from the Google team have resigned recently;  I’ll note that while this cannot be considered proof of anything, it is peculiar.

Eric Schmidt may be one such casualty, as he stepped down from his position as chairman of Google parent company Alphabet in December of 2017.  Q talks about Schmidt quite a bit, asking us to look in to why he [ES in Q’s drops] was in North Korea [NK]?

And in yet another interesting coincidence, Schmidt resigned his position the day after President Trump signed his executive order on human trafficking, which allowed law enforcement to seize any and all assets of human rights violators.  Perhaps this is just coincidence, but it is interesting timing for something that Q has specifically asked his followers to track.

As Reuters reported about Schmidt’s trip there was quite a bit of speculation and public disdain from the State Department regarding his decision to be there.  Another strange wrinkle is the claim from the same report that officials from the North Korean government visited the Google headquarters in 2011.  

Why would the leaders from “the hermit kingdom” whose populace isn’t allowed to have any outside internet connectivity to the rest of the world, be visiting the Google HQ?  That alone should be enough to make you think.

There have also been a few headlines lately of Google employees voicing their disdain to the leadership about their projects with the DoD and CIA…and here’s an article from Wired detailing just how deep that rabbit hole goes.


Which Finally Brings us to Facebook

One extremely interesting Q drop for anyone who’s become cautious about the social network  comes in a simple listing of dates. As shown in this article and the Facebook corporate information, the CIA (through DARPA) killed its’ LifeLog project (a database to track a person’s entire existence) on the same day that Facebook was formed.  Coincidence?

Have you ever stopped to wonder why Facebook is entirely built upon asking you to divulge every aspect of your life, how you’re connected to different people and where you are at all times?  If you’re even slightly tech-savvy, you understand what their Pixel beacons are, and the ability it gives Facebook (and anyone else inside of their database) to track every single thing you do online, whether on the social networking site or not.

And Prince Al-waleed also owns 30 million shares.


Why Snopes & Wikipedia are Not to Be Trusted with Fact Checking (even if Facebook says they are)

While the Snopes connection isn’t mentioned by Q, it should be noted that Facebook, which Q has warned us about, is partnering with Snopes to provide “fact checking” for posts and articles.  I recently read this article in Forbes titled “Fact Checking the Fact Checkers” which outlines just how reluctant Snopes is to tell anyone what their fact finding process is, or who their fact checkers are.

This Daily Mail article will give you some background on the type of person who steers the ship at Snopes, and if you’ve had a look at their website in the past year it’s pretty obvious what side of the political spectrum the owner falls on.

If you are a follower of Q, you’ve been told numerous times that social media is not your friend and that nefarious characters are attempting to use it in order to influence your opinion and control the masses.  Many may see that as a stretch, but when you look at the common denominator in ownership of all of these companies, coupled with their recent anti-conservative bias at the very least it should make you begin to question whether they are acting in your best interests or someone else’s.


The MSM Mockingbird Media

Why have there been so many retractions and outright false stories reported by the media (mainly CNN) since The President took office?  Q has told us exactly why CNN is considered “fake news” by The President, and this may very well be the hardest pill of all for many to swallow.

Q often refers to the MSM as the “Mockingbird Media,” and that is not by chance.  Have you ever heard of Operation Mockingbird?

The video linked above is from a House Intelligence Committee hearing in which the Director of the CIA admitted to having agents submitting articles for publication in major American news journals, but will not go on the record in the open hearing as to whether they have agents placed in the management of said organizations.  

The head of CBS in the same video, however, has no problem admitting to their presence and oversight.  This video was from a hearing several decades ago, and although the CIA has stated they discontinued the program you have to stop for a second and ask yourself: do you really think they would stop a program that was so successful?  

More importantly, does our current state of affairs in the media seem like something fishy is going on?  The left constantly parrots the term “the credible media” to attack any non-MSM stories that find their way to the public, but how many detractions & fake, planted stories have to be discovered before the title of “credible” media loses all credibility?

I studied behavioral economics (the study of why we do what we do and how we make decisions) during my time working for Omnicom, and the thing that first clued me in that we were not getting the whole truth from our media was their constant use of behavioral economics tactics to reframe issues and beat whatever message they wanted to get across into our heads.

I’m sure many of you have seen the “this is what mind control looks like” video making the rounds on social media.  How would they all have the same exact talking points, and why would all MSM outlets (save for Fox news, typically) break the same stories at the same time on the same days, an unhealthy portion of which are quickly discredited or dropped?

Do you believe this is just an unwarranted conspiracy theory?  Just ask former CNN journalist Amber Lyon, who discovered the levels of treachery in the MSM when she attempted to report on the beginning of the Arab Spring in Bahrain.


Wait, wasn’t the Arab Spring in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Tunisia?  Amber tells us there is a key reason there wasn’t much reporting on Bahrain, which by her accounts was much worse than anywhere else with the violent government crackdown on protests with lethal force.


The reason: the Navy’s 5th fleet is stationed there, and not only did our government not want any bad blood between the US and Bahraini government, but she reported that CNN openly takes money from governments who wish to stay out of bad news stories.

Listen to her interview on The Joe Rogan Experience where she discusses the entire escapade and it will help you understand that our MSM was bought and paid for a long time ago.

And why is it that every single time a major bombshell revelation against the left is made public, some form of public outrage, tragic event or outright fake news story buries it from the airwaves?

Q tells us this is because the MSM are checking Secure Drop (see: Apache) and getting messages from their handlers at 4am every day.  Perhaps it’s just a coincidence that both founders of Secure Drop were found dead of alleged suicide.

And this is the key to using behavioral economics against a population today.  Regardless of how scant the evidence or improbable the argument, by using every form of communication you encounter to parrot the same story over and over, they trick you into a false sense of security and the repetition forces your brain to believe that it must be true.

Especially when you see the same narratives parroted when you step away from the MSM and look at your Facebook or Twitter feed.

Still having trouble believing this?  Here’s a great case study: did you know that both kidnappings and gun violence have reduced over the past few decades?  No, you probably believe that you and your family are in more danger than you’ve ever been because the media has told you so.  This thought is compounded when any event actually happens and it dominates the airwaves for days on end, becoming the only news story you can find anywhere.

But is the CIA still involved in our media today?  Q tells us in no uncertain terms that they are, and it should be noted that even CNN darling Anderson Cooper has admitted to spending 2 summers working at the CIA while he was at Yale.  After graduation, with a degree in political science and no background in journalism he chose to follow the path that led him to his position as a trusted news source today, and it should at least lead you to question: is he authentic?

With the constant rhetoric espoused by CNN these days, the constant drumbeat of division, fear mongering and anti-conservative views which have become a mainstay of their programming in addition to their multiple retractions for publishing outright lies it should be enough at least to make you wonder.

Is CNN really fake news?  And if so, is there a purpose to it?  Again, a major ownership by Prince Al-waleed and drops from Q would allude to the possibility that there very well is.


The Tarmac Meeting Between Bill Clinton (BC) and Loretta Lynch (LL)

Another notorious headline that has made the Q drops refers to the infamous “tarmac meeting” between Loretta Lynch (then AG) and Bill Clinton.  Lynch and Clinton had reported the meeting as a “chance encounter” that had not been planned…stating that it was just a coincidence that their planes ended up parked next to each other at Sky Harbor airport in Phoenix just hours before the Benghazi report was released and in the middle of the Hillary email scandal.


Sure, just a coincidence.


It has since made the news that the meeting was anything but a chance encounter, as Lynch’s handlers had made advance preparations with Bill’s handlers to coordinate the meeting.  But Q sheds a little more light on that story.

The Q drops state that this meeting was not merely the discussion of “grandkids and golf” as Lynch told the media in her press conference, but rather a promise from Bill [BC] to Loretta [LL] that if she were able to make the Hillary email investigation go away, perhaps the SCOTUS seat of Antonin Scalia would be hers.  

Here’s a video of an ABC affiliate report of the encounter which includes LL’s version of the story, but perhaps the more interesting video is the one that Q shared with us directly.   The video from Q is not the official story, but rather one captured by a reporter whom he alludes was tipped off by his team in advance of the encounter.

The Q video shows Bill walking to LL’s plane between two mystery women, but Q also shines some light on who one of them is: Amanda Renteria, a top Clinton campaign aid who also had ambitions to run for Governor of California.

Renteria has denied any and all claims that she was present at the meeting, but Q’s version says that she was actually the bridge between LL and Bill Clinton.  There are unverified reports of an email between LL and Renteria stating that “she [LL] wouldn’t let the Clinton investigation get too far,” but they have been vehemently denied by Renteria (in 13 separate tweets, no less) although Comey has stated that the claims “may not be false.”


Bill & Hillary

And now we come to perhaps the one aspect of the entire Q movement that has the most people interested: Hillary Clinton.  She is one of the strangest examples I can think of where a large amount of the public was willing to forgo mountains of evidence of corruption and crimes simply because they were told by the MSM to like someone.

My first encounter with underground dirt on Hillary was in my freshman year of college, when my dorm roomate printed and showed me a thick packet on all of the supposed crimes committed by Bill & Hillary while they were still in Arkansas, including a rather high body count of people close to and/or testifying against them who committed suicide under very strange circumstances.

How someone can commit suicide in the woods by shooting themselves twice in the head while their hands were tied behind their back is still a difficult one for me to decipher.

But even as excuses come up for Bill & Hillary, from Whitewater to Haiti to Benghazi, one must remember the adage: “where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”

The laundry list of alleged crimes committed by Bill & Hillary is not only long but has been reported (by non-MSM sources of course) ad nauseam, so I will focus on the one most pertinent to Q’s drops and which seems to be the real estate upon which they are focusing for her coming trial: Uranium One.


Uranium 1, Pay to Play & Treason

If Q is correct, this is the most brilliant act played out by Trump and his team.  As the DNC and MSM scream Russia collusion and claim treason that President Trump has even met with Putin, the nails are slowly being hammered into the Clinton & MSM coffins.  

We should also remember that one of Podesta’s leaked emails clearly shows that the re-framing of the issue to Russia was his idea, as polling indicated that was where Hillary was weakest given her involvement in Uranium 1.  


But, according to the MSM, that’s not newsworthy.


It should be noted, as often is on the Reddit The Great Awakening board and by Q that President Trump never asks a question of which he doesn’t already know the answer, nor makes a claim that he doesn’t already know is true.  Just take a quick look back in history since his campaign for President: every claim that he made was immediately lambasted by the MSM, who were eerily silent when that claim turned out to be verified as true several months later.

How are Trump and team using this to their advantage for the alleged future prosecution of Hillary?

The more the media & Democrats portray Putin as the ultimate enemy, the more difficult it will be for them to distance themselves from the Uranium 1 [U1] deal in which Clinton allowed the sale of 20% of US uranium to Russia allegedly in exchange for $140mm in donations to the Clinton Foundation.

This is another story that has been reported on ad nauseam, and not always from the sources you would expect.  If you’ve been hiding under a rock and don’t know much about it, here’s a great article covering the ins & outs of the U1 scandal, outlining how Loretta Lynch threatened whistleblowers to the deal, Clinton pocketed huge sums of cash and helped move the deal along while she was at the State Department and a smattering of other terrible, treasonous crimes.

But there is one aspect of this story that isn’t being reported much, and Q does a great job of ensuring we don’t let it drop from the social memory.


Mueller and Rosenstein

Have you ever heard of a judge or prosecutor recusing themselves from a particular case?  This is typically done when that individual is a party to something involved in the case, and as such cannot be considered to give a completely unbiased effort.  Sessions recused himself from the Russia investigation, and while the President acted out a beautiful scene in the alleged Kabuki Theatre, we must question why other high-profile members of the U1 investigation did not.

Namely, Bob Mueller (head of the Special Counsel investigating the now-disproven Russian Collusion) and Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General).

Each of these men, both having been in positions to have been a party to the U1 investigation and having had the authority (which they passed on) to prosecute those actions, should never have been allowed to conduct the special counsel investigations.

Wait, didn’t you know about that?  If you’ve been getting all of your news from the MSM, most likely not.  This is another example of news that is 100% open source and public domain knowledge, yet we’re supposed to believe that none of the highly intelligent and diligent investigative journalists in the MSM have put those pieces together.  Or perhaps they just didn’t think it was newsworthy to report on that fact.

Again, possible in isolation.  But when taken in the greater context of who owns the companies for which they work and the greater drops given to us by Q it becomes highly unlikely that this was mistakenly overlooked.

But if this is truly all Kabuki Theatre, it gives us an explanation for why they are still in place, and perhaps why the “feigning weakness” strategy is being played again, as members of Congress have asked to impeach Rosenstein while Sessions defends him. 

If Q is correct, there are 1 of 2 reasons for this:  either team Trump has dirt on both and can keep them in line, or the very appointment of Mueller (a former Marine) was made specifically to allow the guilty parties to believe they had one of their own on the inside and would not face prosecution.

The second possibility is frequently highlighted by Q, who asks us to remember the confirmation hearings for Sessions vs Rosenstein.  Sessions confirmation was highly contentious and fought harshly by the Democrats (and many Republicans).  Rosenstein, however, made it through with a near unanimous vote.  They thought he was on their side.

So that begs to question: aside from everything discussed above…if the Russian collusion was completely disproven long ago, what would Mueller still be investigating?  Could it be that the Russian story was merely a feint to take the attention off his true investigations?

This also brings us to John Huber, a US attorney from Utah who has been appointed by Sessions to lead his own special investigation.  Yet again, while this information has just recently been made public, those of us following Q have known about his appointment for months, along with the 40,000 sealed indictments (exponentially higher than the typical number of sealed indictments) which are currently awaiting prosecution.


Are they working together, on separate cases, or is one merely cover for the other?  I believe we shall soon see.


Iran Deal Used as Nothing More than a Money Transfer

The Iran Deal was highly touted as one of Obama’s finest accomplishments, yet President Trump has made no qualms about stating, very publicly, just how much he disliked this deal.  I wasn’t a fan since the beginning, as during my time in Iraq we knew that Iran was helping in the proxy war against us there, sometimes very openly. If you spent time in Karbala as I did, you know there were parts of the country where Iran didn’t even attempt to hide their involvement.

Here’s the first interview I saw with a former CIA operative discussing just how bad of a deal it was for us.  If you listened to John Kerry or Obama, this was a shining beacon of light putting our nation back on friendly ground with Iran.  But if you listen to Mike Baker in the interview above, not only was it a terrible deal but we also had zero way of keeping them accountable.

And if you listen to Q, the entire operation was nothing more than an illicit money transfer, never authorized or discussed in Congress and made completely by executive order.  Here’s a great story by Politico on what a debacle this entire deal was, and just how much it crippled our nation’s investigations into shady members of the Iranian intelligence apparatus.

Why would Q tell us this was nothing more than an illicit transfer of money?  Aside from no Congressional oversight, there is perhaps a much more damning “smoking gun” to the entire incident: if what Q tells us is correct, the money was flown on separate planes, and not all of them went to Iran.


What Comes Next?

If you are still with me at this point, I thank you.  Many people have questioned what the point of Q really is, given that none of us are actually prosecuting the guilty parties and we don’t have the wherewithal to do so.  

So what is the point of Q and what is he doing here?

If you are still reading this article, I believe this was precisely the point.  If Trump, Q and their team already have all of the dirt needed to prosecute everyone for these terrible crimes, our part of this story doesn’t come in helping him find evidence, but rather in helping our own American brothers and sisters discover just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

The MSM has proven time again that they are entirely unwilling to cover many of these stories factually and would rather spend their full force and effort on trying to spin, re-frame or change the stories.

But I believe the entire point of Q was for him to drop crumbs of information and put the ball in our court to dig deeper, do more research and discover on our own exactly what has been going on.  As the nation loses more faith in the MSM every day, this becomes extremely important. If you can’t trust CNN or any other members of the MSM, how would they possibly get this information out there, so that one day seeing politicians and powerful CEO’s being perp-walked into Guantanamo Bay doesn’t blindside us?

This is where the true genius of Q and the movement come in.  By utilizing the “autists,” “anons” and researchers on 4chan, 8chan and Reddit, Q has given us the power to do our own research.  


And unlike the MSM, these researchers don’t merely give us information and tell us that we must believe it.


Quite the contrary: many of them give the direct links they have found, cross-reference answers and most importantly, tell us where to go find the evidence ourselves.  I believe this is not only the purpose of Q but also the death blow for the MSM; now that the power of information is back in the hands of the people, we are quickly losing our appetite for those who try to force feed a narrative down our throats with little to no evidence.

So what can you do now?  As I’ve asked above, I beg you to do your own research.  I have only been able to cover a small number of the totality of Q’s drops here, but tried to stay to those which have already been verified and many of which have come out as public knowledge.

But now that you know where to look, you have the power of information.  Go, research, pay attention to what’s really going on vs what the MSM tells you to believe, and most importantly spread the message if you are beginning to see what is happening.

“Where We Go One, We Go All” is more than just a Twitter hashtag [#WWG1WGA] or a catchy line from a movie.  It is a rallying cry to let you know that you are not alone, that we have the power in numbers and that we will not take this sitting down.


And we finally have a President who won’t either.  #MAGA


Robert Patrick Lewis is a Green Beret OIF/OEF combat veteran with 10th SFG(A), CMO of Heroes Media Group, entrepreneur, MBA and author of The Pact & Love Me When I’m Gone: The True Story of Life, Love and Loss for A Green Beret In Post-9/11 War.  Follow him @RobertPLewis on Twitter or on his RobertPatrickLewisAuthor Facebook page.